
Monday, August 1, 2011

Being worked on.

I've been working on good egg galaxy lately. A screenshot of the first scene exist on the third page in the forums. The work will continue; don't worry. But I will not release more screenshots before the whole "good egg galaxy" is modeled and textured.

Sincerely uTopiaProductions96

Friday, July 29, 2011

Project Team

  • uTopiaProductions96 - Project Director,Testing (Glitches, flaws etc...), Modeler & Editing
  • Ray - Textures,Modeler & Testing (glitches, flaws etc...)
  • Mega-Mario - Help, Editing Software Creator.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

If you want to help

I need screenshots of the three bunnies level, and I need screenshots for the " Good Egg Galaxy " level.

Where you must post it:

Image hosters (personal) recommendation , or

What that will be focused on:

Is level modeling. Not placing objects, not edit backgrounds or anything like that, just modeling.

Working on for the moment:
The Bunny level